Can We Help Your Business?

Our passion is helping clients achieve their goals. We do our most impactful work when collaborating with clients who fit our client profile. Find out if you fit our ideal client profile.
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Client Profile

We work with clients who fit the following profile;


United Kingdom



Company Size

100 – 500 Employees

Organisation Level

Plant Managers, Operations Managers, Senior Leadership Team Members, Area/Department Managers

Where We Can Help

Typical Problems Faced by Our Clients

The reason clients choose to work with us is because they are experiencing some or all of the challenges listed below.

The workforce lacks autonomy, and the culture has become over-dependent on managers to get things done;

  • Leaders are too busy managing day-to-day activities, they do not have time to coach and motivate their team members to be the best they can be.
  • People feel undervalued as it is often faster for leaders to do it themselves rather than trust team members to do the right thing.
  • ­Leaders find themselves performing tasks a level below where they should be working, resulting in them having an unmanageable workload and often becoming the bottleneck.

Problem solving is unstructured and does not always address root cause.

  • There is little or no prioritisation process when addressing problems, and efforts are focussed on the wrong things.
  • ­Attention is given to the few large problems, but the many smaller problems are overlooked.
  • Issues are not resolved to root cause, and time is spent dealing with repeat issues or workarounds become the norm.

They have a desire to be an employer of choice but find it difficult to attract and retain good people and skills, resulting in;

  • Pressure is put on inexperienced people who then feel stressed and unsupported.
  • ­Too many issues are escalated, overwhelming management with tasks that the workforce should be empowered and have the autonomy to resolve.
  • ­Talented people are reluctant to apply for progression roles, or do not want to join the
    business in the first place.

Employee wellbeing, morale and engagement is low.

  • Getting things done feels like an uphill struggle.
  • Improvements are not sustained.
  • Management feels they must ‘sell’ improvement initiatives to their teams rather than work collaboratively.

Benefits of Working with Us

Primary Benefit:

The primary benefit clients get when choosing to work alongside us is the improvement in their leader’s confidence and capability in creating a happy, proactive, performance-focused culture within their business or team.

In addition, leaders will find it easier to align employees working practices with the organisation’s vision and goals, and leaders will help employees understand their influence on increasing value and competitiveness.

Personal Benefits Include

  • Improved self-awareness
  • Better decision-making
  • Increased confidence
  • Enhanced communication skills
  • Better goal attainment
  • Improved team motivation and engagement skills
  • Enhanced strategic thinking
  • Improved work-life balance

    Business Benefits Include:

    • Proactive leadership
    • Improved performance
    • Authentic, engaging leaders
    • ­Concise, productive performance meetings
    • Accountability at all levels
    • ­Leaders will become familiar with practical coaching methods; driving engagement within their teams and reap the benefits of leadership at all levels of the organisation.
    • Performance, problems and priorities will be visible to all stakeholders and aid quick decision making.
    • Communication up and down the organisation will improve.
    • Problems will be managed and resolved at the right level, without unnecessary escalation.
    • Increased trust in leaders.
    • Improved employee engagement and wellbeing.